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Logo sizing & placement
Artwork information
Logo Sizing & placement
Stock Colors
Artwork information
Our graphics team is ready to help bring your logo idea to life!
We also have an Online Design Studio if you want to get creative.
The Online Design Studio is the best way to get us closer to your logo idea and minimize any art fees. We can also work from simple instructions like “I want a cool new logo with my school name & mascot” and we’ll provide options.
Send your sales rep a request for a pre-order mockup and we’ll show you what the product you have in mind can look like.
Are you providing your own art file?
We accept all kinds of art files, but prefer a vector file whenever possible. Vector files allow for re-sizing, re-coloring, etc. without loss of quality, which is essential for processes like Screen Printing and Cad-Cutting.
Common Vector file types include - .EPS, .AI, .CDR, .SVG, and some .PDF files.
Please note - all text needs to be converted to outlines before sending, which means we won’t have font issues when opening your file.
We also can accept Bitmap (image) files, but generally will need to convert those images into Vector files before we can begin production. Our graphics team can help provide an estimate for Vector Conversion based on how intense the logo is.
Common Bitmap file types include - .JPG, .PNG, .TIFF, .PSD, and some .PDF files.
Please note- Bitmap images should be at least 300 PPI, and made to the final size they will be printed. If the logo will be printed at 11” wide, it should be made to 11” wide.
Other artwork information -
Images pulled from the internet are typically 72 PPI or lower and cannot be used for most printing processes.
We are not able to print copyright or trademarked images without express written approval from the owner. This includes any professional or collegiate sports teams.
We keep customer logos on file for 4 years, after which we cannot guarantee the logo will still be on file.